


Revised November 20, 2016

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The organization shall be called MULTI-FAITH SASKATCHEWAN, hereafter referred to as “MF Sask” for operational purposes. MF Sask shall divide the province into two working regions; the Northern Region (approx. north of Craik) and the Southern Region.


2-1 To initiate, foster and assist the development and operation of multi-faith groups in the province of Saskatchewan.

2-2 To assist multi-faith groups to promote understanding, appreciation and acceptance of the diverse faith communities in their area.

2-3 To assist multi-faith groups to increase awareness in their communities of the beliefs and special needs of all faiths.

2-4 To promote association, cooperation and mutual understanding among provincial single faith organizations.

2-5 To assist multi-faith groups to work for a just and peaceful society.

2-6 To assist multi-faith groups to moderate and eliminate prejudices that hinder the development of a just and harmonious society.

2-7 To liaise with other provincial organizations with similar aims and objectives.

2-8 To liaise with national organizations with similar aims and objectives.


3-1 Regular Membership

Regular membership shall be open to community-based multi-faith organizations in Saskatchewan. Each regular member shall designate two representatives to the MF Saskatchewan General Assembly Meetings.

2-3 Associate Membership

3-2-1 Associate membership shall belong to provincial or regional single faith and faith-related organizations that support the aims of MF Sask.

3-2-2 Each associate member shall designate one representative to the MF Sask General Assembly.

3-3 Individual Membership

An individual may become an individual member and can attend assembly meetings as an observer and participate in the discussion.

3-4 The membership fee shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.

3-5 Membership shall be granted by the two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board Members upon written application.

3-6 The Board reserves the right to refuse membership to any organization whose purpose it deems to be inconsistent with the aims and objectives of the MF Sask. Each application shall be dealt with on its own merit.

3-7 Any member group may withdraw its membership by providing written notice of such intention to the secretary of MF Sask.

3-8 Membership may be revoked by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board if the organization no longer subscribes to the objectives of MF Sask.

3-9 Regular and associate members shall constitute the MF Sask Assembly. The Assembly will elect the executive officers and board of directors at the annual general meeting.

3-10 Dues must be paid by the member organization to maintain good standing and for their representatives to be entitled to vote at any meeting and to hold office in the organization.

3-11 The funding of the organization shall be by membership fees, donations, and money raised through projects and grants.


4-1 General Assembly

The General Assembly shall consist of all regular and associate members of MF Sask. Each member representative shall have a vote. The vote can only be exercised in person.

4-1-1 Decisions of the General Assembly shall be by majority vote of those present and eligible to vote.

4-1-2 The General Assembly shall be the supreme decision-making body of MF Sask.

4-2 Executive Officers

The president, vice–president, secretary, and treasurer shall be the executive officers of MF Sask.

4-2-1 President

The president shall preside at all general body meetings of the organizations and at all directors’ meetings. The president shall be the official spokesperson of MF Sask.

4-2-2 Vice-President

The vice–president shall perform the duties of the president in his/her absence.

4-2-3 Secretary

The secretary shall be responsible to keep records of all proceedings at all meetings of the assembly and directors, keep records of all communications and correspondence, prepare and issue notices of all meetings and fulfill other secretarial duties as may be assigned from time to time.

4-2-4 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible to keep accurate records of all financial transactions of MF Sask, receiving and depositing the monies of the organization, preparing and submitting financial statements as required, preparing and filing the annual provincial and federal returns with the prescribed deadlines.

4-3 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have a maximum of 10 directors. The four elected as executive officers (president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary), the remaining directors as regional representatives, Director of Communications, and the immediate Past President.

4.3.1 Director of Communications

The Director of Communications shall plan and implement activities relating to mass and social media, advertising, promotion, education and web management and advise the Board on communication matters.

4-3-2 Half of the elected directors shall be for one year and the other half for two years.

4-3-3 The directors, except for the Past President, shall be eligible for re-election to the office.

4-3-4 The Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee for the election of the executive officers and the Board of Directors.

4-3-5 Nominations shall be accepted from the floor.

4-3-6 The positions which could not be filled during the Annual General Meeting shall be declared vacant. The new board shall have the right to fill these positions.

4-3-7 Should any vacancy occur in the directorship of the MF Sask, the board may make an appointment from the membership to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.

4-3-8 An executive director may be employed to assist and to manage the board’s and organization’s affairs.


In matters of procedure, the officers, directors and the committees shall be guided by Robert’s Rules of Order.

5-1 Annual and Special Meetings shall be called for the purpose of election of the Board, Constitutional Amendments and other business requiring decisions by the membership.

Special General Meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the president.

5-2 At least 30 days notice of the annual or a special general meeting shall be given by the secretary in written or electronic form.

5-3 Notice of the Directors’ meeting shall be given to the directors at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.

5-4 A minimum of half of the elected directors plus one personally present shall constitute a quorum for a Directors’ meeting.

5-5 Voting for the position of all officers shall be by secret ballot. All other items shall be by a show of hands, except when a request for a secret ballot is made. The president or his/her designate will count the secret ballots.

5-6 There shall be one Annual General Meeting per fiscal year, in October if possible. The meeting may be held in a location to be determined by the Board with the option for members to fully participate through video conferencing.

5-7 The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be twenty (20) percent of the membership or 10 representatives, whichever is less.

5-8 The board or general assembly may, from time to time, appoint committees as they deem necessary. Each committee shall perform the duties as assigned and keep records of all proceedings. No committee shall incur any liability without the prior, written authorization of the board.


6-1 The board shall be responsible for the functioning of MF Sask and shall provide policy guidance and direction to the organization in keeping with its aims and objective as described in Article 2.

6-2 The Board shall maintain the assets of the organization.

6-3 The Board shall prepare the annual budget of the organization.

6-4 No director shall receive remuneration for the organization for services rendered as a director.


7-1 The fiscal year of the organizations shall be from the first of April to the thirty-first day of March.

7-2 The signing authorities for the bank accounts shall be any two of the following: president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, or a director.

7-3 The accounts of the organization shall be subject to a third-party review to be done annually by a competent and approved third party reviewer appointed by the Board. The results of the review shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.


The seal of MF Sask shall be in the custody of the secretary. All paper documents required to be sealed on behalf of MF Sask shall be sealed in the presence of the president and secretary.


The constitution and bylaws of MF Sask shall not be rescinded, altered, or added to unless the proposed amendments have been presented in writing to the Board for circulation to the all members not less than thirty (30) days prior to the next Annual General Meeting. The amendments must be passed by three-quarters (75%) majority of the members present and eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting and to be effective immediately.


In the event of the dissolution of MF Sask, its property and assets shall, after payment of all liabilities, be donated to one or more recognized multi-faith organizations in Saskatchewan as may be decided by MF Sask at a general meeting.

First Constitution approved November 26, 2007
Amended November 20, 2016