MFS Elections 2022

MFS Elections 2022

At the Annual General Meeting on Sunday, May 29, 2022 the participants elected new representatives for four positions. There continue to be vacancies. The Board is authorized to appoint members to these positions should a candidate become available. The newly elected members for a two-year term (2022-2024) are:

  • Vice-President: Liu Lafontaine (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  • Communications: Nicholas Jesson (Roman Catholic) – also Past President
  • Southern region: Moses Kanhai (United Church)

Gagan Deep Singh (Sikh) was re-elected as Southern region representative (2021-2023) to fill a vacancy created as Liu Lafontaine becomes Vice-President.

There remain vacancies for President (2022-2024), two Northern region representatives (2021-2023 and 2022-2024), and Treasurer.

Nominations may be sent to Nicholas Jesson (Past President) at njesson [at] archregina [dot] sk [dot] ca

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