On the Second Anniversary of the Pandemic: An Invitation to Solidarity

On the Second Anniversary of the Pandemic: An Invitation to Solidarity

Canadian Interfaith Conversation - Conversation Interreligieuse CanadienneMarch 11, 2022 marks the two-year anniversary of the World Health Organization characterizing COVID19 as a pandemic. Mindful of the lasting hardships that have followed, the Canadian Interfaith Conversation (CIC) has developed, An Invitation to Solidarity inviting religious organizations to mark the period March 11-21, 2022 as a Canada-wide period of remembrance and reflection.

Religious institutions are invited to observe 11-21 March 2022 as a Canada-wide period of remembrance and reflection for those claimed by the pandemic, and a time to redouble our pastoral care for those dying and struggling with grief, and for those experiencing hardships and lasting harms from the pandemic and the consequent restrictions. Participating faith communities are invited to:

  • commit part of our services during this period to prayer and contemplation on how we can help heal the wounds in our society;
  • reflect on our calling to lead by example and to be a witness to the affirmation of the equal dignity of every person;
  • commit to living up to our critical role in fostering dialogue, softening hearts, building mutual understanding, and celebrating our shared humanity;
  • to join with one another to lift our collective voices to declare that there are no enemies amongst us.

A full copy of the statement can be found at: https://www.interfaithconversation.ca/documents-and-responses

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